Water Purifiction
Drinking Water Treatment:
- Flocculants and Coagulants
- Disinfection
- Clarification
- Iron Removal
- Corrosion Control
- Dosing and Control Equipment
Effluent Treatment:
- Flocculants and Coagulants
- pH correction
- COD removal
- Dosing and Control Equipment
Cooling Water Treatment
Open Cooling Systems:
- Scale/corrosion Inhibitors
- Biocides Oxidizing and Non-Oxidizing
- Filtration Systems
- Dosing and Control Equipment
Closed Cooling Systems:
- Corrosion Inhibitors
- Biocides
- Filtration
- Dosing and Control Equipment
Boiler Water Treatment
Water Side Treatment:
- Various Scale Inhibitor Programs
- Various Oxygen Scavengers
- Coil and Electrode Boiler Programs
- Condensate Corrosion Inhibitors
- Boiler scale removal
- Water Softeners
Boiler Related Products:
- HFO Additives
- Coal Additives
- Dosing and Control Equipment